How Copay Management by Payers Is Evolving

Pharmaceutical manufacturers and payers have been involved in a back and forth dance regarding patient cost share practices - each action is met with a reaction. Precision's Jeremy Schafer looks at the complex battle between pharmaceutical manufacturers and payers for balance between medication access and budget management.


How Copay Management by Payers Is Evolving2020-11-11T10:57:34-05:00

From Supplier to Public Health Player: The Changing Role of Biopharma Companies

Access challenges to cell and gene therapy are well documented. Precision's Christina Poschen and David Carr discuss how some innovative manufacturers are moving away from the role of being purely a researcher and manufacturer and toward involvement at the point of diagnosis through manufacturing and delivery to patient access support in order to address those challenges head on.


From Supplier to Public Health Player: The Changing Role of Biopharma Companies2020-10-01T14:22:41-04:00

2020 Priorities Include Inter-Operability, Cybersecurity and SDoH

Who typically has responsibility for Identity and Access Management within health plan organizations, and how does this role impact or protect their healthcare analytics objectives? Precision's Dominic Galante contributes to the Thought Leaders Corner in this month's Care Analytics News.


2020 Priorities Include Inter-Operability, Cybersecurity and SDoH2020-08-13T17:19:41-04:00

Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Create New Opportunities for the Adoption of APMs and Be a Catalyst for the Movement From Volume to Value?

Precision's Elizabeth Oyekan identifies four emerging trends in alternative payment models (APM) practices that are enabling APMs to be better prepared to deliver high-quality and more affordable care during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Create New Opportunities for the Adoption of APMs and Be a Catalyst for the Movement From Volume to Value?2020-10-01T14:30:12-04:00

The Era of Pandemic Healthcare: The Social Determinants of a Health Crisis

COVID-19 has exacerbated fractures in our healthcare and social delivery systems, including adverse social risk factors. Precision's Maureen Hennessey discusses strategies pharmaceutical manufacturers must adopt to address social determinants of health and population health management challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.


The Era of Pandemic Healthcare: The Social Determinants of a Health Crisis2020-06-18T15:30:39-04:00

After COVID-19: A new script against antivaxers

Precision's Jeremy Schafer and Deborah Lotterman discuss how to use vaccine messaging based on our shared coronavirus experiences to improve vaccination rates and educate the public on their importance.


After COVID-19: A new script against antivaxers2020-07-17T11:48:06-04:00

New Orphan Drug Playing Field Requires Change in Tactics for Pharma Companies

Orphan drugs make up a growing slice of the pharmaceutical pipeline, with a significant share of new drug approvals, and payers are taking notice of their increasing market numbers and ultra-expensive price tags. Precision's Jeremy Schafer, PharmD, MBA, discusses how manufacturers may adjust their promotion of orphan drugs to ensure continued market access.


New Orphan Drug Playing Field Requires Change in Tactics for Pharma Companies2020-07-17T12:01:12-04:00

Pharma Manufacturers Could See Better Adherence, Outcomes With Focus on SDOH

How much of a role can pharmaceutical manufacturers play in the social determinants of health? Industry experts, Maureen Hennessey, PhD, and Dominic Galante, MD, discuss how much they can stand to gain in medication adherence and outcomes from partnering with other industry stakeholders and programs around the issue.


Pharma Manufacturers Could See Better Adherence, Outcomes With Focus on SDOH2020-07-17T12:01:17-04:00