Value Transformation: Observations on Performance Periods 1-5 Evaluation Report of the Oncology Care Model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced another evaluation report of the Oncology Care Model (OCM) in January 2021, covering activities and results for performance periods 1 through 5 of 11. Precision's Maureen Hennessey and Elizabeth Oyekan analyze what we've learned so far as they review the key findings and observations of performance periods 1 through 5.


Value Transformation: Observations on Performance Periods 1-5 Evaluation Report of the Oncology Care Model2021-06-23T12:57:02-04:00

Payers Create CAR-T Approval Systems as Adoption Increases

Spurred by CMS’s decision to cover CAR-T cell therapies under Medicare, commercial payers are beginning to systematize approvals for CAR-T treatment as use of these breakthrough cancer therapies is beginning to ramp up. Precision's Dan Danielson weighs in on factors driving authorizations now and what to expect as more CAR-T therapies are approved.


Payers Create CAR-T Approval Systems as Adoption Increases2021-06-16T10:39:16-04:00

Epidemics Within the Pandemic: Shifting Priorities and Opportunities for Addressing Opioid and Mental Health Crises During Covid-19

A survey conducted by PRECISIONvalue of population health priorities among health systems and health plans since the onset of Covid-19 suggests that while mental health conditions have risen in priority, opioid use disorders have become alarmingly deprioritized. Precision's Maureen Hennessey shares the survey data and offers observations and suggestions for opportunities for plans, delivery systems, and pharmaceutical manufacturers to address the mental health and substance use epidemics occurring within the COVID pandemic.


Epidemics Within the Pandemic: Shifting Priorities and Opportunities for Addressing Opioid and Mental Health Crises During Covid-192021-05-10T17:52:28-04:00

Bending the Health Care Cost Curve and Changing the Drug Cost Paradigm in 2021 and Beyond

The continued rise in health care spending is having a profound effect on the US economy and health care payers. Efforts have largely focused on transformation of our health system payment model, by moving from fee-for-service to value-based care, and reducing the costs of prescription drugs, as a means of reducing health care costs. Precision's Elizabeth Oyekan and Andrew Cournoyer discuss why a multimodal, holistic approach is required to successfully tackle the issue of rising health care spending.


Bending the Health Care Cost Curve and Changing the Drug Cost Paradigm in 2021 and Beyond2021-04-30T13:25:53-04:00

Med Ad News 2021 Healthcare Communications Agencies Edition: PRECISIONvalue Profile

PRECISIONvalue, a Vision Awards finalist, is profiled in the Med Ad News 2021 Healthcare Communications Agencies edition. Read here for great insights into how PRECISIONvalue adapted to the unique challenges of 2020, recent accomplishments (including a major rebranding, creation of a dedicated diversity and inclusion initiative, and recruitment and onboarding of high level talent) and future plans. 


Med Ad News 2021 Healthcare Communications Agencies Edition: PRECISIONvalue Profile2021-04-28T13:29:25-04:00

Conference: AMCP 2021 Virtual

Attending AMCP 2021? Check out two PRECISIONvalue poster presentations, as well as our virtual booth which will be featuring our new white paper "Engaging With Integrated Delivery Networks to Address the Social Determinants of Health". While you’re there, don’t forget to schedule some time to speak with some of our experts!


Conference: AMCP 2021 Virtual2021-05-05T15:18:25-04:00

Race Against Time: Steps to Address SDOH to Establish Community Immunity

Inequities in social determinants of health (SDOH) increase the risk of death from COVID-19 for racial and ethnic minority groups. Precision's Maureen Hennessey identifies steps pharma, health plans, and integrated delivery networks (IDNs) can take to address SDOH to safely establish community immunity.


Race Against Time: Steps to Address SDOH to Establish Community Immunity2021-03-09T10:30:00-05:00

Cancer Care in 2021 and Beyond: Catalytic Trends, Entrants, and Developments to Optimize Care During and Post Pandemic

Cancer care has been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, possibly leading to later-stage cancers and increasing patient morbidity and mortality, as well as regression in the strides made in cancer care and overall patient survival. The oncology ecosystem is determined to do all it can to not only prevent these regressions but also to accelerate further advancements. Precision's Elizabeth Oyekan outlines 10 observed trends and developments to further optimize cancer care in 2021 and beyond.


Cancer Care in 2021 and Beyond: Catalytic Trends, Entrants, and Developments to Optimize Care During and Post Pandemic2021-03-03T11:05:11-05:00