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Conference: AMCP 2021 Virtual

Attending AMCP 2021? Check out two PRECISIONvalue poster presentations, as well as our virtual booth which will be featuring our new white paper “Engaging With Integrated Delivery Networks to Address the Social Determinants of Health”. While you’re there, don’t forget to schedule some time to speak with some of our experts!

Both Posters are authored by PRECISIONvalue’s Erin Lopata, PharmD, MPH; Chris Terrone, MS; and Ami Gopalan, PharmD, MBA, FAMCP, as well as Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s Nicholas Ladikos, PharmD, BCPS,BCGP, BCIDP and Terry Richardson, PharmD, BCAP.

Erin will be presenting “Understanding Payer, Provider, and Employer Resources to Support Patients and Caregivers Impacted by Rare Diseases”, and Ami will be presenting “Understanding the Challenges of Evaluating and Managing Orphan Drugs from the Payer, Provider, and Employer Perspective”.

Find out more about AMCP 2021 Virtual here!

To view our poster “Understanding Payer, Provider, and Employer Resources to Support Patients and Caregivers Impacted by Rare Diseases”, click here.

To view our poster “Understanding the Challenges of Evaluating and Managing Orphan Drugs from the Payer, Provider, and Employer Perspectives”, click here.
