How Copay Management by Payers Is Evolving

Pharmaceutical manufacturers and payers have been involved in a back and forth dance regarding patient cost share practices - each action is met with a reaction. Precision's Jeremy Schafer looks at the complex battle between pharmaceutical manufacturers and payers for balance between medication access and budget management.


How Copay Management by Payers Is Evolving2020-11-11T10:57:34-05:00

On-demand Webinar: Gene Therapies In Hemophilia

As the first ‘big wave’ in the gene therapy space, onetime potentially curative treatments for hemophilia present a potential revolution for many thousands of patients. Watch this on-demand webinar and Q&A moderated by Precision's Larry Blandford, as we explore these challenges, and discuss solutions to getting innovative therapies into the hands of patients who need them most.


On-demand Webinar: Gene Therapies In Hemophilia2020-10-01T14:10:08-04:00

On-demand Webinar: Using HEOR Methods to Reduce Health Inequalities

Current social and political events have brought renewed attention to the levels of systemic inequalities faced by millions of minorities in the United States and around the world. Moderated by Precision's Kelly Wilder, join us and learn how innovative health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) methods can be leveraged to quantify the full value new treatments that improve health outcomes for underserved communities.


On-demand Webinar: Using HEOR Methods to Reduce Health Inequalities2020-10-01T14:16:13-04:00

From Supplier to Public Health Player: The Changing Role of Biopharma Companies

Access challenges to cell and gene therapy are well documented. Precision's Christina Poschen and David Carr discuss how some innovative manufacturers are moving away from the role of being purely a researcher and manufacturer and toward involvement at the point of diagnosis through manufacturing and delivery to patient access support in order to address those challenges head on.


From Supplier to Public Health Player: The Changing Role of Biopharma Companies2020-10-01T14:22:41-04:00

2020 Priorities Include Inter-Operability, Cybersecurity and SDoH

Who typically has responsibility for Identity and Access Management within health plan organizations, and how does this role impact or protect their healthcare analytics objectives? Precision's Dominic Galante contributes to the Thought Leaders Corner in this month's Care Analytics News.


2020 Priorities Include Inter-Operability, Cybersecurity and SDoH2020-08-13T17:19:41-04:00